4-284-28-2016 On Passover, Israel and "Demographic Threats" - Brant Rosen Truthout -2016 On Passover, Israel and "Demographic Threats" - Brant Rosen Truthout


This, along with its massive settlement expansion has brought Israel's demographic problem home to roost. The real decision before them is not between a one-state or two-state solution, but between two one-state solutions: an apartheid Jewish state or one state of all its citizens, regardless of religion or ethnicity.  As I watch this tragic process unfold this Passover, I find myself returning to the universal lesson this festival imparts on the corrupt abuse of state power. Although the Exodus story is considered sacred in Jewish tradition, it would be a mistake to assume that the contemporary state of Israel must be seen as equivalent to the biblical Israelites…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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