3-24-2016 | UN passes 4 Palestinian-backed resolutions in landmark victory | Ma'an News agency

Full text: http://www.maannews.com/Content.aspx?id=770836

Snippet: On Monday, Special Rapporteur to the occupied Palestinian territory Makarim Wibisono gave a particularly scathing report of Israeli violations in an address to the UN Human Rights Council.Wibisono said that since he took up his post in June 2014, Israel had not allowed him direct access to victims in parts of the occupied Palestinian territory, despite repeated requests.The human rights expert emphasized the "desperate need" for effective protection of Palestinians living under Israeli military occupation, and castigated Israel for its many failures as an occupying power and the international community for offering no protection."I have been struck by the abundance of information documenting violations of international human rights and humanitarian law, and the seeming inability of the international community to match what is known of the situation with more effective protection of Palestinians," Wibisono said.In recent years, the Palestinian leadership has made a concerted effort to place international pressure on Israel to end its military occupation after decades of failed peace negotiations.

Posted by Sam Bryan - AIME member


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