10-7-2015 Jerusalem: The Price Of Despair - Mitchell Plitnick and Matt Duss Foundation for Middle East Peace


…Seidemann pointed out that, in some ways, the two state solution is being lived now in Jerusalem, with Israeli Jews rarely entering Palestinian areas and Palestinians avoiding the Jewish parts unless they have work or other business there. Settlers in East Jerusalem, however, are living a one state reality…Seidemann said that the level of cooperation between Israel and the Palestinian Authority on security remains good. But that won't last in the current climate. Regardless of Abbas' commitment to non-violence, Netanyahu continues to accuse him of incitement – "Netanyahu plays on Israeli fears and anxieties like a virtuoso plays on a Stradivarius," said Seidemann — and the security cooperation is becoming more and more of a political liability for Abbas. Eventually, those things will combine to break that cooperation. This was one of the implications of Abbas' speech at the United Nations last week. In any case, Seidemann said, that cooperation is insufficient to deal with destabilizing forces at play.

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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