8-8-2015 They are terrorists’: Palestinians mourn second death from settler arson attack – Dan Cohen Mondoweiss



…The past two years have marked a sharp increase in settler violence against Palestinians. Attacks, which include arson, beating and destruction of Palestinian agricultural fields, skyrocketed from 93 incidents in 2012 to 963 incidents in 2013, and 1011 incidents in 2014, according to data complied by the Palestinian Liberation Organization's monitoring group. Israeli human rights group note there were 8 arson attacks against Palestinians in 2014.

Since January 2014, Palestinians killed 16 Israeli civilians in the West Bank and Israel. In that same period seven Palestinians were killed in nationalist attacks by Israeli citizens, and 58 killed by Israeli security forces, according to the Israeli human rights group B'tselem. 

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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