5-20-2015 | Remember the Suffering of Palestinians | Huffington Post | Daoud Kuttab
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Snippet: AMMAN -- Sometimes it is difficult to remember the daily
suffering of Palestinians living under occupation.
The wars and turmoil all around us tend to divert our attention from
genuinely terrible issues that might seem mundane when compared to t
he wars in Syria or Yemen. But the human tragedy in Palestine is real,
even if it is not headline news.
Submitted by Ford Chambliss, posted by Sam Bryan, AIME members
Snippet: AMMAN -- Sometimes it is difficult to remember the daily
suffering of Palestinians living under occupation.
The wars and turmoil all around us tend to divert our attention from
genuinely terrible issues that might seem mundane when compared to t
he wars in Syria or Yemen. But the human tragedy in Palestine is real,
even if it is not headline news.
Submitted by Ford Chambliss, posted by Sam Bryan, AIME members
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