5-12-2015 'If You Make A Thousand Dollars In Gaza, You'd Make A Million Outside' | Huffington Post ? Sophia Jones

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But despite the hoops his company has to jump through, he says they make

ends meet because they have to. People are counting on them. Instead of

working seven days a week, they only work three. Instead of 100

full-time employees (compared to 350 before the blockade), they have 100

employees working part time for half the pay.

That way, more families get money to survive, he says, even if it's not

very much.

"If you make a thousand dollars in Gaza, you'd make a million outside,"

he joked. "I say: If you survive in Gaza, then they should make a statue

for you. If you survive in Gaza, it's a miracle."

Submitted by Ford Chambliss, posted by Sam Bryan, AIME members


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