An unnatural disaster: What I saw in Gaza | American Friends Service Committee
1-7-2015 Full article: | Acting in
Faith (AFSC publication) | Aura Kanegis
Snippet: Note: Several US staff visited Gaza recently. Aura Kanegis,
AFSC's Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, was among them. This was
her first trip to Gaza.
These are her reflections and photographs from the trip witnessing the
recent devastation of Operation Protective Edge, just the latest round
of violence
against a people under siege. You can read many more reflections on
Gaza and Israel & Palestine here. - Lucy
Posted by Sam Bryan, AIME member | Acting in
Faith (AFSC publication) | Aura Kanegis
Snippet: Note: Several US staff visited Gaza recently. Aura Kanegis,
AFSC's Director of Public Policy and Advocacy, was among them. This was
her first trip to Gaza.
These are her reflections and photographs from the trip witnessing the
recent devastation of Operation Protective Edge, just the latest round
of violence
against a people under siege. You can read many more reflections on
Gaza and Israel & Palestine here. - Lucy
Posted by Sam Bryan, AIME member
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