4-20-2015 Weakening and Discrediting the UN: Mission of Israeli QGOs - International Middle East Media Center | Richard Falk

Full test: http://www.imemc.org/article/71293

Protecting Israel's human rights violations from being investigated.

Very troubling.

Snippet: Despite the tensions with the White House associated with

Netanyahu's March speech to Congress, Kerry proudly informed an ABC TV

news broadcast:

"We have intervened on Israel's behalf..a couple of hundred times in

over 75 different fora." ["This Week," Feb. 28, 2015]. And then when

addressing the Human

Rights Council Kerry included a statement that could just as well been

drafted by AIPAC or Israel's ambassador to the UN: "It must be said that

the HRC's obsession

with Israel actually risks undermining the credibility of the entire

organization." And further, "we will oppose any effort by any group or

participant in the UN system

to arbitrarily and regularly delegitimize or isolate Israel, not just

in the HRC but wherever it occurs." [Remarks, Palais des Nations,

Geneva, March 2, 2015] What is

striking about these kinds of statements by our highest ranking

government officials dealing with foreign policy is the disconnect

between these reassurances of

unconditional support and Israel's record of persistent disregard of its

obligation under international law and with respect to the authority of

the UN. In addressing

an AIPAC gathering a few weeks ago, Representative Lindsay Graham

curried favor by telling the audience that as chair of the Senate

Appropriations Committee,

"I'm gonna put the UN on notice" that he would go after its funding if

the Organization takes any steps to 'marginalize' Israel.

Posted by Sam Bryan, AIME member


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