3-7-2015 Tens Of Thousands Attend Anti-Netanyahu Rally In Tel Aviv | AP

Full article:


Snippet: TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) — Tens of thousands of Israelis are

gathering at a Tel Aviv square under the banner "Israel wants change"

and calling for Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu to be replaced in

March 17 national elections.

Saturday night's rally at Rabin Square is the highest profile

demonstration yet in the run-up to the election. It is organized by a

non-profit organization seeking to change Israel's priorities and

refocus on health, education, housing and the country's cost of living.

Though not officially endorsed by any political party, it drew mostly

supporters of leftist and centrist parties.

The rally's keynote speaker is former Mossad chief Meir Dagan who

recently slammed Netanyahu's conduct and called him "the person who has

caused the greatest strategic damage to Israel."

Posted by Sam Bryan, AIME member


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