3-19-2015 The Historic Night for the Arab List – Allison Deger Mondoweiss



…"This party from now on is the one and only legitimate party representing the Arab people in the Knesset, and is the only legitimate representative of the democratic movements against Zionism," said Jamal Zahalka, a current Knesset member and an Arab list Knesset-elect, when the first counts were aired on Tuesday night at the rally in Nazareth. At that time early releases showed Herzog and Netanyahu were neck and neck, and the Arab list was earmarked to get 13 seats. Everyone in the room watched from the same set of televisions—journalists, candidates and supporters alike—and Arab list candidates took the stage. There was still some ambiguity over who would be the next prime minister, and if the Arab list would be asked to help form the government.

"We look forward to the future, and our abilities today to defend our rights have become greater. We are stronger and more determined. We can determine our future, we create our own fate. From now on we will not let them manipulate us, and we will not allow them to take advantage of our differences," announced Zahalka from the stage…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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