12-4-2014 Time for international community to hold Israel accountable — here's how - Hiba Husseini and Omar M. Dajani +972


Resolving the Palestinian-Israeli conflict is not impossible, but success requires bold measures and the courage to see them through. Following more than two decades of peace talks, the international community should give the law a chance.

As a first step, the international community should act to clarify the legal obligations, not only of Israel and the Palestinian Authority, but also of third states….

Second, the international community should revisit policies that help perpetuate the occupation, establishing tangible incentives for bringing it to an end. ..

Third, international assistance should be focused on reversing the fragmentation and stagnation in Palestinian political and economic life, by expanding Palestinian institutions' capacity to serve and represent Palestinians across the occupied territory (especially Area C and Jerusalem), as well as in the diaspora...

Fourth, the international community should act multilaterally to elaborate on and endorse the desired contours of a Palestinian-Israeli peace settlement. ..

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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