12-24-2014 How Israel stupefies so many brilliant Jews - Larry Derfner +972



...This thing that Israel has with Arabs, this need to forever keep them down lest they rise up and swallow us, combined with the need to forever justify this obsessive violence, has crippled so many otherwise brilliant Jewish minds, in Israel, America and elsewhere. This victim mentality, which brings with it an inability to admit any wrongdoing toward Arabs (who are misperceived as Israel's victimizers), has hobbled the thinking of so many otherwise highly intelligent Jews in Israel and the Diaspora. On every other subject under the sun, they're open-minded, they examine all sides, they try to weigh information objectively. But on the subject of Israel, they become propagandists. On Israel, they are literally stupefied by their need to proclaim this country's innocence and defend or at least excuse its violent domination of Arabs, which they wouldn't defend or excuse if it was any other country doing this to any other people. On Israel, these Jews' otherwise outstanding minds are one big blind spot...


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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