12-20-2014 What Will Israel Become? – Roger Cohen New York Times

...Everyone in Gaza seems to expect another war. "We are dying slowly, so why not die quickly?" is a common refrain. People seem dazed. There is, quite literally, no way out.
…Lutfi Harara, the younger brother of Mustafa, whose home was also destroyed, took me to see the little house with a corrugated iron roof he had cobbled together since the war. He showed me photographs of Haifa, his memories of the Israel where he used to work as an electrician before divisions hardened. From rockets and artillery shells found in the rubble of his home, he has fashioned lamps and a vase and a heavy bell dangling from an olive tree — his version of swords into plowshares, and the one hopeful thing I saw in Gaza…

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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