12-16-2014 This Israeli Election Matters – Thomas Friedman New York Times
…The best approach I've heard comes from Amos Yadlin, Israel's former chief of defense intelligence, and the pilot who dropped the bomb through the roof of Saddam Hussein's nuclear reactor. Yadlin, who now directs Israel's Institute for National Security Studies, argued to me that Israel's center needs to run on the core values of its founding prime minister, David Ben-Gurion. That is an Israel, he said, "that understands the limits of power of a small country," and is focused solely on building "a state that has a Jewish majority, a state that is democratic where all citizens are equal, a state that is secure even in a threatening environment and a state whose higher moral caliber is as valued as it was in the past." And that means a state with a clear, secure border with its Palestinian neighbors…
Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member
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