11-8-2014 Israel’s Universities: A Pillar of Occupation and Apartheid – Palestinian Campaign for the Academic and Cultural Boycott of Israel



It is no surprise that virtually every Israeli academic institution came out in support of the Israeli military during the summer onslaught on Gaza, and universities promised faculty and student reserve soldiers actively involved in the massacre in Gaza various perks and privileges as rewards for their contribution to the state's "security."  The list of complicity is too long to recount here.  Some prominent examples include:

- Technion, which prides itself on developing many of the weapon systems, particularly drone technologies, which are employed by the Israeli occupation forces in attacking Palestinians in Gaza and the rest of the occupied Palestinian territory;

- Tel Aviv University (TAU), which has not only designed tens of weapons used by the Israeli military in enforcing the occupation and apartheid regime, but houses the Institute for National Security Studies (INSS) that takes credit for the development of the so-called Dahiya Doctrine, or doctrine of disproportionate force, that is adopted by the Israeli army, and which calls for "the destruction of the national [civilian] infrastructure, and intense suffering among the [civilian] population," as means of defeating an otherwise "impossible" to defeat non-statal resistance;

- The Hebrew University, which is partially built on stolen land and has an army base on its campus.


…we insist that our academic boycott rejects on principle boycotts of individuals based on their identity (such as citizenship, race, gender, or religion) or opinion.  We are after the institution not the individual. 



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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