11-7-2014 Two State is No Solution – Naftali Bennett New York Times

...Lastly, I propose applying Israeli law in Area C, which is the part of the West Bank controlled by Israel under the Oslo agreement. The Palestinians who live there would be offered full Israeli citizenship. We can start with the known settlement blocs that everyone agrees will remain part of Israel even under a final status agreement. By applying Israeli law and asserting national sovereignty in those blocs, while upgrading Palestinian autonomy in Areas A and B, we will reduce the scope of territory in dispute, making it easier to reach a long-term agreement in the future...

[This plan, basically annexation of the settlements, is from Naftali Bennett, Israel's minister of the economy and the leader of the nationalist Zionist Jewish Home Party.  Some think that Bennett could be the next Prime Minister of Israel.  For more on discrimination faced by Palestinian Israeli citizens, see http://www.mossawacenter.org/my_Documents/pic002/183_The_New_Wave_of_Israel%27s_Discriminatory_Laws___Report_FINAL_2014.pdf].


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