11-19-2014 The fight to save a village continues in Wadi Fukin - Daniel Tepper Mondoweiss


Wadi Fukin is a small agricultural town in the West Bank. It is situated on just over 700 acres of land and is squeezed in on two sides – by the Israeli settlement Beitar Illit, to the south and Tzur Hadasa, a small Israeli town just over the Green Line to the north. On August 31st the Israeli Civil Administration – a governing body that controls most of the West Bank - declared that almost 1000 acres, near the villages of Jab'a and Wadi Fukin would become state land. The announcement marks the largest attempt in decades to expropriate territory in the West Bank. As the yearly olive harvest comes to a close, Palestinians here are worried they are being cut off from the rest of the West Bank and may lose the means to support themselves if their farmland is seized…


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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