11-17-2014 RE/MAX cashes in on Israel’s illegal settlements Medea Benjamin [founder of Code Pink] Mondoweiss


The Israeli government's recent announcement that it had authorized the building of another 1,000 settlement homes in East Jerusalem left the US government seeing red, with State Department spokeswoman Jen Psakicalling the settlement activity "illegitimate" and "incompatible with the pursuit of peace." But the announcement must have left the US-based real estate giant RE/MAX "seeing green," ready to cash in on the sale and rental of more illegal settlement homes. Among the 90 countries with RE/MAX franchises is in Israel. Since its entry into the Israeli market in 1995, RE/MAX has become the largest network of real estate agencies in Israel, boasting 100 branches and over 900 real estate agents in this small country roughly the size of New Jersey. But here is the problem. RE/MAX Israel sells property that are not only in Israel proper, but are also in occupied Palestinian lands of the West Bank. While Palestinian homes and olive groves are bulldozed to make way for new settlements, Israeli RE/MAX agents are doing business in all the major West Bank settlements, including Adam, Beit Arye, Beit El, Giva'at Ze'ev, Ma'ale Adumim, Oranit, Salit, Sha'arei Tikva and Zufim. In occupied East Jerusalem, the company markets and rents properties in the settlement neighborhoods of Gilo, Har Homa, Ramot, French Hill and Pisgat Ze'ev...


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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