10-9-2014 Why won't Israel sign the Arms Trade Treaty? - Idan Itzhaky [Amnewsty International Israel] +972



Twenty years after its inception, the Arms Trade Treaty finally looks like it is going to be enshrined in international law. But despite supporting its passage, Israel refuses to sign it… .

Countries such as Britain, France and Germany (all three of whom are in the list of top ten arms exporters in the world) cannot sell weapons to a country that violates human rights, regardless of whether that same country signed the treaty. Therefore, if Israel is worried about international criticism vis-a-vis its human rights record, it should invest in improving it. Moreover, signing the treaty would serve as a statement to the world regarding Israel's commitment to the principles of human rights.

As one of dozens weapons exporters in the world, Israel has the ability to play a big role on the international stage, by joining the international alliance and speaking out unequivocally against human rights violations.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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