8-28-2014 Failure in Gaza - Assaf Sharon New York Review of Books (9-25-2014 issue)





An agreement can be reached with the Palestinians, too: the terms are known and the price is fixed. Whether it is reached or not is a matter of political will on the part of Israeli and Palestinian leaders. Unfortunately, Israel's current leadership will do anything to avoid this choice, to the detriment of both peoples.

The war in Gaza is, fundamentally, not about tunnels and not against rockets. It is a war over the status quo. Netanyahu's "conflict management" is a euphemism for maintaining a status quo of settlement and occupation, allowing no progress. The Israeli opposition must distance itself from this hopeless conception and other countries need to reject it. Both must be done forcefully and before violence erupts once more, and force becomes the only option—yet again.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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