7-22-2014 Israel's Grinding Ground War in Gaza - Richard Silverstein Truthout



…Egypt proposed a ceasefire endorsed by Israel. The plan merely called for a cessation of hostilities on both sides, but didn't address Israel's (and Egypt's) ongoing siege against Gaza, which is illegal under international law. It didn't provide any assurance that Israel would respect Gaza's borders or sovereignty. Nor did it provide any path for Hamas to become a legitimate Palestinian political force in the international arena. All of these would be necessary to resolve the long-term issues underlying the conflict between Israel and Hamas.

The Egyptians didn't bother to consult Hamas, which naturally rejected the ceasefire. My own Israeli source, who was consulted during the negotiation process, told me that the ceasefire proposal wasn't devised by Egypt at all,  but rather by Israel, which used Egypt as a front-man, making the proposal by an Arab intermediary, kosher. Israel seems to have forgotten that Egypt's military dictator, Gen. al-Sisi, detests both Hamas and the Muslim Brotherhood. Why Hamas would view favorably any intervention by the leader who massacred peaceful Brotherhood protesters in Cairo's streets, is a mystery. The only Palestinian consulted during this process was Palestine Authority President Mahmoud Abbas, who doesn't represent Hamas…


The longer Israel's rejectionism continues, the more likely the final outcome will be a single state in the region now known as Israel-Palestine. Though it is many Israelis' worst nightmare, their stubborn clinging to the status quo leads them ever closer to it…


[Silverstein and two other academics published "International Scholars' Statement" against the war in Haaretz with over 100 co-signers.  It condemns the current "obscene" war and affirms the importance of nonviolent ways to hold Israel accountable such as the BDS movement.]


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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