7-15-2014 FAQ on Failed Effort to Arrange Ceasefire Between Israel and Hamas – [Rhashid Kalidi, Mouin Rabbani, Moura Erekat] Institute for Middle East Understanding



Snippet:  NE:  "Within two days of Israel's aerial assault on the population of the Gaza Strip, Hamas announced five conditions for a ceasefire: 1) stop the airstrikes; 2) observe terms of 2012 ceasefire; 3) release the Palestinians released during the Shalit prisoner exchange who were recently re-arrested; 4) lift the siege; and 5) don't interfere with Palestinian unity government. What little is known about the proposed ceasefire agreement is that it demands a cessation of violence with no conditions thus reverting to conditions that are even worse than the status quo ante."


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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