Presbyterian Lay Committee Board of Directors repudiates action of PCUSA General Assembly - The Layman Online

DETROIT, MICHIGAN, JUNE 19, 2014 – A statement of protest by the

Presbyterian Lay Committee repudiating the action of the General

Assembly of the Presbyterian Church USA to redefine marriage.

The 221st General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (USA) has approved

both an Authoritative Interpretation of the Constitution and an

amendment to redefine marriage. In the name of 1.8 million Presbyterians

nationwide, the General Assembly has committed an express repudiation of

the Bible, the mutually agreed upon Confessions of the PCUSA, thousands

of years of faithfulness to God's clear commands and the denominational

ordination vows of each concurring commissioner. This is an abomination.

Posted by Sam Bryan, AIME member


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