6-18-2014 Palestine-Israel: Is dialogue more important than justice? | TheHill | Grace Said
Enormous pressure has been brought to bear both within and outside thePCUSA for the Presbyterians to back away from divestment even though the decision to divest is entirely grounded
in PCUSA policy.In this ongoing battle over divestment there are those offering
alternatives that would actually exacerbate the problem.
Submitted by Donna Hicks, posted by Sam Bryan, AIME members
Enormous pressure has been brought to bear both within and outside thePCUSA for the Presbyterians to back away from divestment even though the decision to divest is entirely grounded
in PCUSA policy.In this ongoing battle over divestment there are those offering
alternatives that would actually exacerbate the problem.
Mr. Buchanan touches upon interfaith relations, which for many translates as Christian-Jewish dialogue. Sadly, however, this dialogue has often been used to silence the courageous voices of those critical of Israeli practices and has served to paralyze some churches into inaction.
Submitted by Donna Hicks, posted by Sam Bryan, AIME members
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