5-30-14 Why critics complain one Palestinian university condones violent demonstrations at the expense of academic freedom –Daniel Estrin PRI's The World



A Palestinian professor took Palestinian university students on an unprecedented trip to the Auschwitz concentration camp memorial in March, in an effort to break Palestinian taboos surrounding the Holocaust….


[Afterwards, many other students' demonstrated their disapproval.  Dozens of joint Israeli/Palestinian academic programs have been canceled since Cast Lead, Israel's attack on Gaza in 2008.  Many Palestinians are now more wary about such cooperation, which is sometimes called "normalization," working with Israeli institutions as if there were no conflict.  Prof. Dajani broke no rule by taking students to Auschwitz, but it won't be clear until Sunday whether he will stay at Al Quds University.  You can listen to the full radio report at the PRI website.]


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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