5-28-21014 Jerusalem by the numbers: Poverty, segregation and discrimination - Michael Omer-Man +972




While Jewish Israelis celebrate the "reunification" of Jerusalem, data shows that the city is anything but unified. From concrete walls that separate to budgets that discriminate, East Jerusalem and West Jerusalem — despite being a part of the same municipality — are hardly the same, let alone a unified city. Palestinian residents of Jerusalem are just that – residents; they were not granted Israeli citizenship and do not have the right to vote in national elections, do not hold Israeli passports and if they spend a number of years abroad, they are regularly barred from returning.

The following figures were taken from the Israeli Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS – Heb), the Association for Civil Rights in Israel (ACRI) and Ir Amim (IA – Heb)….


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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