5-12-2014 John Kerry Doomed the Israeli-Palestinian Talks by Refusing to Consider a Transition Agreement - Ehud Yaari New Republic


The option adamantly rejected by Secretary of State John Kerry in his quest to achieve Israeli-Palestinian peace is the only route remaining to achieve substantial progress toward a gradual resolution of the conflict: a transition agreement that falls short of a comprehensive deal.   The refusal of the American team even to consider this approach ultimately led to the current deadlock in the negotiations for a Final Status deal…


There will have to be guarantees to the Palestinians that, following statehood, negotiations will continue to demarcate final borders and reach an agreed solution to the refugee problem and the status of East Jerusalem and the holy places. The conflict would thus be transformed into a dispute between two states. The Palestinians would get their state without giving up their national objectives, while Israel would obtain an end of the occupation.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member



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