3-25-2014, 4-1-21014, online access - The History of the Jews with Simon Schama PBS



In this PBS series, Jewish British historian Simon Schama covers thousands of years of Jewish history around the world.  Some of the highlights:


--The Jewish dream of integration and acceptance during the Enlightenment shattered by the Dreyfus Affair in France and the resurgence of anti-Semitism leading to the Holocaust. 


--The British Empire and World War I produce both the Balfour Declaration and aid for the Arab Revolt against Turkey.  In a striking moment, Shama analyzes and reads from Prince Faisal’s 1919 letter welcoming Jews, who are the Arabs’ “cousins,” to Palestine—Lawrence of Arabia and early Zionism come together.


--Israeli Independence Day is simultaneously the Nakba (The Catastrophe), and the time of the departure of Jews from Arab countries.  Schama looks unflinchingly at the ruins of a Palestinian village, visits a checkpoint, argues with a settler, and notes the contradiction between the land of milk and honey and miles of barbed wire, and the tragedy of the heirs of the Warsaw ghetto building a new wall. 


--The Hand-in-Hand School in Jerusalem teaches both Jewish and Palestinian adolescents.


Schama provides historical context for figures and events, as well as his personal experience.  It’s a rich mix, in many places quite moving.


Summarized and Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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