3-8-2014 2013 was record year in new settlement construction, and 2014 rate is already higher - Noam Sheizaf 972mag


Land, property, resources theft & destruction / Ethnic cleansing


Israel’s Central Bureau of Statistics revealed earlier this week that 2013 was a record year in settlement construction, while 2014 has seen the beginning of construction of 2,534 housing projects - a rise of 123 percent from 2013…And while there is no earlier data on construction in the occupied territories, it is worth noting that during the Oslo process (from the signing of the first agreement in 1993 to the Taba summit in 2001) the number of settlers almost doubled – from 116,300 to 208,300, not including the Jewish neighborhoods in annexed East Jerusalem.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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