3-24-2014 Abbas, Promises Kept, Promises Brroken - Sami Jalil Jadallah Veterans Today



With no hopes in sight for ending the Israeli Occupation, let alone ending the ever-expanding settlements, certainly for a “two states solution” time for Mahmoud Abbas to keep his often-stated promise (last one on December 28, 2012) to disband the PA/PLO and hand over the Keys to Bibi Netanyahu, Barack Obama and John Kerry.

The PLO leadership (Arafat & Co) having failed at liberation and having looted tens of billions of dollars, facing a matter of life and death and survival of a corrupt incompetent decadent organization, decided to enter into secrete negotiations with Israel leading to the Oslo Accord under which the PLO leadership and Fatah came back to manage the Israeli military and settlers Occupation and to “repackage” the Israeli Occupation and worst to pay for it….


Contrary to the claims of many senior members of the PLO/Fatah of “mutual recognitions” under Oslo, the PLO gave full and unconditional recognition of Israel with open borders, with no return of refugees, and with Jerusalem as the “undivided” and “eternal” capital of Israel. In return Israel only recognized the PLO as the “sole and exclusive “ representative of the Palestinian people. Israel never ever and until today recognize the rights of Palestinians to a sovereign state within historic Palestine, never admitted itself as “Occupying power” and always referenced “disputed” territories and as Judea and Samaria, but never as Palestinian territories. As such all claims of “mutual” recognitions are nothing but repeated lies by senior members of the PLO/Fatah.

Israel and after more than 22 years of Oslo never admitted to or committed to a free and independent sovereign state of Palestine within what remained of historic Palestine, and have treated the Palestinians as “no permanent residence” of Judea and Samaria, with absolute right to transfer or exiles any Palestinians at will and to demolish homes at will too.

In contrast, the PLO leadership committed to Israeli securities, both its army, certainly its illegal and armed settlers and thugs to the tune of $1.4 billions annually, and annual budget that exceeds the combined budgets of social services, transportation, health, education and infrastructures. The last raid was on the Camp in Jennin with the IDF executed 3 Palestinians in cold blood.

Time for Mahmoud Abbas to keep his promise to the Palestinian people once, and disband the shameful, disgraceful Palestinian Authority as manager of the Israeli Occupation and to disband the PLO and Fatah as failed corrupt, decadant, parasitic and bankrupt organizations and turn the keys to Israel and let Israel put the cadres of both the PLO/Fatah on its payroll.



Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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