3-16-2014 Academic Activism: Israelis, Palestinians, and the Ethics of Boycott [8 Authors, 8 Essays on a complex topic,] Los Angeles Review of Books



Jonathan Hahn, Executive Editor, Los Angeles Review of Books:  "There are several questions at the heart of this debate: What role, if any, does the academy have in matters of political and international affairs? Is endorsing a movement — such as the movement to boycott, divest and sanction (BDS) Israel — in the great tradition of academic freedom and discourse, or an example of its degradation? Does an academic boycott of Israel advance, or damage, the cause for peace and human rights in the Middle East?"


David N. Myers, "Why I Oppose a Boycott, Mostly"

Judea Pearl,  "BDS, Racism and the New McCarthyism"


Russell A. Berman,
"The Goal of the Boycott"


Colin Dayan, "The Boycott Effect" 

David Palumbo-Liu, "Why an Academic Boycott?"


Cary Nelson,
 "The Problem with Judith Butler: The Political Philosophy of the Movement to Boycott Israel


"Noura Erakat, "Structural Violence on Trial: BDS and the Movement to Resist Erasure" 


David Lloyd,
"What Threatens Israel Most? Democracy"


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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