2-11-2014 Israel's waiver to discriminate - Sam Bahour cleveland.com [Guest column Cleveland Plain Dealer]


[Summary by Ronen Zvulun Associated Press] “Sam Bahour writes that Israel's inclusion in the visa waiver program with ‘special ally’ privileges and exemptions to the rules of entry to the program, the US would give Israel the green light to continue to mistreat American citizens legally under the pretense of ‘security.’”


...The so-called visa waiver bill would reward Israel by allowing Israelis to travel to the United States without a visa — a privilege that is supposed to hinge on Israel reciprocating the gesture.



A key provision of the bill… would allow Israel to continue discriminating against U.S. citizens. The provision…gives Israel a green light to deny entry — on its own terms and for its own reasons — to any Americans whom it deems as “jeopardizing the security of the state of Israel.” No need to justify why. No need to explain. Just blanket U.S. capitulation to Israel’s discriminatory policies.


Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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