11-18-1988 [An important but neglected document in which the PLO supported a 2-state solution, thus implicitly recognizing Israel as a Jewish state] Declaration of Independence [Mahmoud Darwish] United Nations


(UN Doc) [Mahmoud Darwish]

 Security Council
 General Assembly


Declaration of Independence

On the same terrain as God's apostolic missions to mankind and in the land of Palestine was the Palestinian Arab people brought forth. There it grew and developed, and there it created its unique human and national mode of existence in an organic, indissoluble and unbroken relationship among people, land and history.

With epic tenaciousness in terms of place and time, the people of Palestine fashioned its national identity. Its steadfast endurance in its own defence rose to preternatural levels, for despite the ambitions, covetousness and armed invasions which deprived that people of an opportunity to achieve political independence, and which were prompted by the allure of this ancient land and its crucial position on the intersecting boundaries of powerful nations and civilizations, it was the constancy with which the people adhered to the land that gave that land its identity and which imbued its people with the national spirit....

Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member


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