1-30-2014 An ugly ending to Oxfam-Johansson saga | Jonathan Cook's Blog
An ugly ending to Oxfam-Johansson saga | Jonathan Cook's Blog
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. ...
Posted by Sam Bryan
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. ...
Posted by Sam Bryan
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-01-30/an-ugly-ending-to-oxfam-johansson-saga/#sthash.DSOCeFyX.dpuf
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-01-30/an-ugly-ending-to-oxfam-johansson-saga/#sthash.DSOCeFyX.dpuf
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-01-30/an-ugly-ending-to-oxfam-johansson-saga/#sthash.DSOCeFyX.dpuf
Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. - See more at: http://www.jonathan-cook.net/blog/2014-01-30/an-ugly-ending-to-oxfam-johansson-saga/#sthash.DSOCeFyX.dpuf
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