
Showing posts from January, 2014

1-29-2013 Update on visa waiver situation - Mondoweiss - Alex Kane House bill voted out of committee yesterday, problematic language of Senate bill not in it, they say.This link is a good summary of of differences between the two bills and the concerns they raise. Posted by Sam Bryan

1-30-2014 Campaigns | SodaStream— Burst the bubble | Jewish Voice for Peace SodaStream spokesperson Scarlett Johansson steps down from role as Oxfam Global Ambassador after mere weeks of campaigning by human rights activists... Posted by Sam Bryan

1-30-2014 An ugly ending to Oxfam-Johansson saga | Jonathan Cook's Blog

An ugly ending to Oxfam-Johansson saga | Jonathan Cook's Blog Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent decision to accept another ambassadorship, this time promoting SodaStream, whose factory is in an illegal settlement in the West Bank. ... Posted by Sam Bryan Here is Oxfam’s official and very brief statement on the ending of its eight-year relationship with Scarlett Johansson, who served as a “global ambassador”. It seems clear that Oxfam – very belatedly – gave her an ultimatum following her recent deci...

1-28-2014 New York Senate passes bill punishing ASA over Israel boycott - Alex Kane Mondoweiss   Legislation that targets the American Studies Association over its decision to boycott Israel passed its first test today: a vote in the New York Senate. The bill , introduced by Democratic Senator Jeff Klein, the co-leader of the body, passed by a vote of 56-4. The measure prohibits colleges and universities from spending taxpayer funds on academic groups that support boycotting Israel.  While the measure applies to any academic organization that boycotts countries where the New York Board of Regents has chartered a school, the focus is on Israel.  A companion bill is currently being considered in the Assembly.  If it passes there–48 lawmakers are co-sponsors of it–it will be up to Governor Andrew Cuomo to either sign the bill or veto it.   Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member    

1-28-2014 Palestinian President Says He Can Accept 3-Year Transition Period - JODI RUDOREN New York Times   President Mahmoud Abbas of the Palestinian Authority said in an interview shown Tuesday that he could accept an Israeli military presence in the West Bank for a three-year transition period as part of a peace deal. But Mr. Abbas said “whoever proposes 10 or 15 years for a transition” was not serious about an agreement.   Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member

1-24-2014 Cracks in the Alliance: Is There Finally Daylight between Israel and the US? - Jonathan Cook The Palestine Chronicle   Just too much bad blood has built up between these [US and Israel] during Netanyahu’s term. The feud is not only over Israel’s conflict with the Palestinians but on the related matter of US handling of what Israel considers its strategic environment in the wake of the Arab Spring.   Aaron David Miller, a veteran US Middle East peace negotiator, recently described the Israeli-US relationship as “too big to fail”. For the moment that is undoubtedly true….[But] if Israel continues to cramp US efforts to respond effectively in a changing region it will severely test the alliance.   It looks as if the cracks between Israel and the US are only going to grow deeper and wider.   Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME Member.

1-25-2014 Stephen Zunes: How the state Assembly tries to limit what I can teach Santa Cruz [CA] Sentinel   In preparing my syllabus for my introductory course on the Middle East this semester, it gives me pause that the California Assembly is still on record declaring that discussing certain well-documented historic incidents in modern Middle Eastern history should "not be tolerated in the classroom." This unprecedented attack on academic freedom came in the form of a resolution (HR 35), co-sponsored by 66 of the 88 Assembly members, which passed by a voice vote in 2012. Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member

Fwd: 1-24-2014 Understanding the boycott of Israel’s universities - The Washington Post - Vijay Prashad T he growing movement for boycott, divestment and sanctions of Israeli universities has struck a chord in Israel. Justice Minister Tzipi Livni said recently that the boycott campaign, which drew new attention when it was joined last month by the American Studies Association (ASA) , " is moving and advancing uniformly and exponentially ." If Israel does not respond, Livni said, it will turn itself into " a lone settlement in the world ." Posted by Sam Bryan

1-26-2014 Bennett blasts Netanyahu for 'dangerous' and 'irrational' ideas - Haaretz - Barak Ravid Economy Minister Naftali Bennett issued an attack of unprecedented antagonism against Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday, after an official in the Prime Minister’s Office told foreign journalists that the premier believes settlers who want to remain in their homes under Palestinian sovereignty should be allowed to do so. Posted by Sam Bryan

1-25-2014 Last mass held in Beit Jala as court to rule on land seizure - Charlie Hoyle - Ma'an News Agency [From Peggy Raferty: Friends, there are numerous online petitions to " save the loss of land access in the Cremisan Valley" of the Bethlehem district. This is but one example of the ongoing Nakba ( please do your own google search and pick one)] BETHLEHEM (Ma'an) -- Residents of Beit Jala held their last weekly mass Friday in an area threatened by Israel's separation wall as locals awaited a decision from Israel's Supreme Court on an appeal to halt the land seizure. Around 60 Palestinians, internationals and representatives of the Catholic, Orthodox and Lutheran churches gathered on an olive tree-covered hilltop in the Cremisan Valley to pray for a halt to Israel's separation wall, which is set to a...

1-21-2014 Hamas deploys forces to prevent rocket fire on Israel ynetnews,7340,L-4479113,00.html Hamas deploys forces to prevent rocket fire on Israel. Organization running Gaza Strip has set up security checkpoints to prevent escalation of hostilities with Israel. Diplomatic communications through Egyptian mediator help avert breakdown of status quo. The security services of the Hamas -run government in the Gaza Strip have deployed forces along the major roadways leading to the border fence with Israel and across the eastern stretch of the Strip. The move is an attempt….to prevent an escalation in the scale of hostilities with Israel. Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member