2-19-2019 Jewish Canadians deeply divided over Israel, poll finds Ali Abunimah Electronic Intifada
https://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/jewish-canadians-deeply-divided-over-israel-poll-finds …Jewish Canadians are deeply divided in their opinions on Israel, and many are highly critical of it. Moreover, a majority does not see criticism of Israel as necessarily anti-Semitic. Key findings include that: · Almost two in five respondents (37 percent) have a negative opinion of the Israeli government, while half view it positively; · Almost a third (31 percent) oppose Israel's military blockade of the Gaza Strip; · Roughly equal numbers oppose (45 percent) and support (42 percent) US President Donald Trump's decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel's capital; · More than a third (36 percent) view the Palestinian call for boycott, divestment and sanctions on Israel to be reasonable, and more than two in five (44 percent) oppose the Canadian parliament's condemnation of the BDS m...