10-23-2016 Opposing the occupation means being anti-Israel, to Netanyahu - Mairav Zonszein +972
http://972mag.com/opposing-the-occupation-now-means-being-anti-israel-to-netanyahu/122776/ The Israeli right has worked very hard to erase any distinction between Israel and the occupation — between Ariel and Acre, Hebron and Haifa. Ironically, this is the same thing he accuses Palestinians of trying to do. … To decouple Israel from its occupation of Palestine would require the complete dismantling and overhaul of Israel's state institutions, culture, economy, and infrastructure. It would require a fundamental restructuring of Israeli society, transforming it from one that controls another population to one that strives to upholds equal rights for everyone living under its control. Such a process frightens many Jewish Israelis, including those in the so-called opposition, because it means losing certain privileges a Jewish state affords them. For that reason, the most basic, simple and understandable demand at the frontier of Israeli dissent today — ending t...