
Showing posts from November, 2015

11-15-2015 The best way for Americans to defeat the Islamic state is to end support for Jewish nationalism – Philip Weiss Mondoweiss   …the biggest impediment to both the reform of Islam and peace in the Middle East that Americans have the ability to remove is our support for a militant Jewish ideology that few Arabs and Muslims have ever accepted…   What can we do to end the religious element of the conflicts in the Middle East? And the answer is that Jews must end their support for Zionism, which has turned out to be religious, fascistic and militant, and is fueling rage across the Middle East and further.   Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member

11-15-2015 Providing terrorism with a tail wind – Yossi Gurvitz .isolated incident   The police request to postpone the demolishing of an illegal structure due to fears of right-wing reprisal attacks is a clear surrender to threats of violence …The case of the Givat Ze'ev synagogue combines almost all of the ills of the Israeli occupation in the West Bank…In plain words: Israeli civilians stole and built a synagogue on it. Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member  

11-11-2015 European Union Moves to Label Products From Israeli Settlements - SEWELL CHAN and JODI RUDOREN New York Times   The European Union pushed ahead on Wednesday with rules for labeling consumer goods from Jewish-owned businesses and farms in the land Israel captured during the 1967 war, creating new strains in relations between Europe and Israel.  European officials played down the move, saying the guidelines merely clarified existing rules, but Israeli leaders condemned it as provocative, discriminatory and intended to fuel a growing international movement to boycott the country... …Saeb Erekat, secretary general of the Palestine Liberation Organization's executive committee, said through a spokesman that settlements "make products with stolen natural resources on the land of the Palestinian people," and that they amount to a war crime.   Human Rights Watch encouraged other countries to follow the European Union's lead, suggesting it was their duty to ensure complianc...

11-9-2015 The distortion and death behind Israel-Palestine coverage - Abby Martin TruthOut

org/news/item/33585-the-distortion-and-death-behind-israel-palestine-coverage   Video: Abby Martin takes a look at how the so-called "Israel-Palestine conflict" has been covered by the mainstream press during the last crisis in the region, and the variety of tactics employed by the state of Israel to control the narrative: from it's Hasbara propaganda machine, to outright killing of journalists. Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member

10-28-2015 Living and Dying by Netanyahu’s ‘Forever’ Sword - Mark Ellis Mondoweiss In the abyss of Jewish history, Jews must begin again – with Palestinians.. the only way to be faithful as a Jew today is to embrace the That the Jewish covenant, and thus the Jewish prophetic, reside in the Palestinians ghettos Jews have created is difficult for most Jews to contemplate. Perhaps this is why Netanyahu's "forever" sword signals   Posted by Judith Ferster, AIME member